Author: NRS Webmaster
June 5, 2-4:30 – Shelly Wilkinson, “Bee Pollinators”
The June 2022 meeting of the Nashville Rose Society will be held in the Potter Room at Cheekwood Estate & Garden. We are thrilled to have as our speaker Shelly Wilkinson who will discuss bees in our gardens and why they need our help.
The first part of the presentation will cover the importance of bees, characteristics of the main species of bees, and where and how bees live. The second part of the presentation will cover how to make our own gardens and landscaping more pollinator-friendly.
Shelly Wilkinson is a high school math teacher who is part of the Davidson County Master Gardeners. She is the lead for the native bee program with the Master Gardeners in cooperation with Crown Bees (who help gardeners and farmers increase pollination and food production with gentle, solitary bees). She enjoys including native plants in her suburban garden to help sustain birds, bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects. Hummingbirds get nectar from the plants in her garden as much as from the hummingbird feeder, and the five different species of milkweed have been host to numerous monarch butterflies. She is constantly improving her garden to serve wildlife and expanding her knowledge of gardening and landscape design to achieve that.
Please plan to join us for this most interesting topic that concerns all gardeners.
Note: Admission to Cheekwood is not required – let the gate attendant know that you are attending the NRS Meeting in the Potter Room.
May 21 – Bowling Green Rose Show
The 2022 Bowling Green Rose Society Rose Show is on May 21, 2022, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. The show will be held at the American Legion Building, Dishman Lane, Bowling Green, KY 42101.
BGRS invites all Nashville Rose Society members to come and exhibit at the show! Entries may be made from 7-10 am. We are a small show and would love to have exhibitors from NRS!
The theme for the show and artistic rose designs is “Mama Liked the Roses – Remembering Elvis Movies”.
Click here for our Rose Show Schedule.
For more information, visit the Bowling Green Rose Society website at
Free to the Public!
May 21-22 – Ron Daniels’ Gadwall Abbey Rose Garden Tour
Ron Daniels, co-president of the Nashville Rose Society and Master Rosarian, will host his Gadwall Abbey’s Rose Garden Tour on Saturday, May 21, 10am – 4pm, and on Sunday, May 25, 1pm – 5pm, at 1000 Gadwall Circle, Hendersonville, TN 37075.
Ron has over 150 roses of all types and many companion plants in his Gadwall Abbey Garden. Ron’s garden produces many Rose Show winners and has been featured on Talk of the Town.
If you have not seen Ron’s garden, put this on your calendar!
May 7, 10:00am-12:00pm – New Member Workshop
The Nashville Rose Society Spring New Member Workshop will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2022, from 10-12:00pm at Cheekwood.
The workshop will start in the Potter Meeting Room in Botanic Hall where Ron Daniels, NRS Co-President, will give his PowerPoint presentation on “Growing and Caring for Roses. The second half of the workshop will be a number of hands-on demonstrations in the Rose Study Workshop.
This is a perfect opportunity to learn more about caring for roses as well as to experience the beautiful Rose Study Garden at Cheekwood.
This workshop is open to ALL members. Admission to Cheekwood is not required for NRS Workshop attendees.