by Ron Daniels
ARS Master Consulting Rosarian and Master Gardener
The first thing you need to know is when to transplant your roses. Roses need to be dormant or going dormant, not actively growing, when they are moved. Late winter to early spring is the best time. In our zone #7, December through the first of February is the ideal time.
Carefully dig around the plant ( 18″ – 24″) to cut roots on all sides with a sharp spade or shovel. Lift the root ball of the dormant plant from the ground with a shovel, taking care to damage as few of the roots as possible. Place it on a tarp or piece of plastic or put it in a large nursery pot to transport it to the new site.
Have the new site ready to plant with the hole already dug. I like to put a shovel full of organic matter, i.e. bone meal, worm castings, or cow manure) at the bottom of the hole. My personal favorite is Holy Cow Soil Survive & Thrive. This will help new and old roots start growing.
If you are transplanting to large pots, use the same above process.
Roses are very resilient and will do well in the upcoming Spring. I have moved over 100 rose bushes with great success.