Buy New Roses!
by Jack Wedekind, Master Rosarian
Do you need to buy some great new roses to plant in the spring? Well, there is no better place and time than the Tenarky District Winter Workshop. You can’t buy them cheaper anywhere and you will be helping our district.
You may have a concern about keeping your new roses in good condition over the winter until you can plant them. One option is to put them in a 15 to 20 gallon garden container like you would purchase a tree in. Fill the container and completely cover the roses with mulch and compost. Water the roses weekly.
Another option for keeping your new roses over the winter is to wrap each rose in wet newspaper. Then triple-bag them in plastic bags and put them in refrigeration until time to plant.
The Tenarky District Winter Workshop is February 16-18, 2018, in Bowling Green, KY. Get all the details at