The October meeting of the Nashville Rose Society will be a video meeting using GoToMeeting. Our speaker, Joan Clayton-Davis, will present timely information on “Fall Gardening with Flowers and Vegetables”.
Joan Clayton-Davis is Coordinator of the Master Gardeners of Davidson County Speakers Bureau, which educates the community on gardening, horticulture, etc. at libraries, schools, community organizations and churches, reaching more than 500 people each year. Joan has been a Master Gardener since 2014 and received the University of Tennessee Extension 2017 “Outstanding Master Gardener Award” Central Region. She is a retired Health Communications/Social Marketing Consultant.
Read more about Joan’s family history of farming and gardening since 1913 in her interview with the Nashville Public Library on blog post “A Master Gardeners Story”.
After Joan’s presentation, the winners of the 2020 Nashville Rose Society Virtual Rose Show will be announced! Stay tuned to find out who the Queens, Kings, Princesses, and Best of Classes are.
Nashville Rose Society members will receive an email with information to connect to the meeting using GoToMeeting, the same app that we have used the last couple of month. Any non-members wishing to attend the meeting should send a message using the Ask a Consulting Rosarian form on the website.