NRS is a member of Tennessee Federation of Garden Clubs

The Nashville Rose Society is proud to announce that it has been invited to become an affiliated member of the Tennessee Federation of Garden Clubs, which the NRS has gladly accepted.

The Tennessee Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc., is a supportive member of National Garden Clubs,Inc., and the Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc. The six-member states of the Deep South Garden Clubs are Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee. The mission of these clubs is to educate its membership and the public about gardening and nature, floral design, and civic and environmental responsibility.

One of the benefits of being affiliated with the TFGC is that the NRS can be promoted in the TFGC “The Volunteer Gardener” quarterly magazine, newsletter, District meetings, and calendar of events. The annual costs to be an affiliate are minimal. This is an excellent way for the NRS to promote its activities and hopefully acquire more members.