The purpose of the Grand Prix is to give members a chance to learn about and practice exhibiting roses. A grooming room will be open at 1:00 pm. Experienced exhibitors will be there to help anyone needing help grooming their roses. All you need to do is know the names of the roses you bring. This show is an excellent opportunity to learn how to enter your roses in the Nashville Rose Show on May 25-26, 2024.
Click here to open the schedule for the Grand Prix.
The Master and Consulting Rosarians will talk about “Why Are Some Roses Winners”. The 2024 Nashville Rose Show schedule will be discussed and there will be members who can help you fill out the tags that go on your entries.
Please note: The NRS Grand Prix rose shows are not sanctioned by the American Rose Society .
For more information on how roses are judged, visit the American Rose Society website,, and study the “Guidelines and Rules for Judging Roses”.