June 2 – NRS Spring Grand Prix Rose Show

2018 NRS Grand Prix winners table
2018 NRS Grand Prix winners table
Once again, NRS members Martha and Keith Garman are hosting the 2019 Spring Grand Prix Rose Show. The Grand Prix is a rose show that is held at a regular NRS meeting and its purpose is to give members a chance to learn about and practice exhibiting roses.

The 2019 Spring Grand Prix Rose Show will be held during our regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Sunday, June 2, 2019, in the Potter Room at Cheekwood. A grooming room will be set up at 1:00pm; all entries must be submitted by 2:00pm to allow time for judging and tabulating results.

This is the perfect opportunity to learn about exhibiting roses. Just read the schedule and instructions closely to see what the categories are, cut some roses (be sure you know their names), and bring them to the meeting. An excellent article for novices on showing roses is “How Rose Shows are Judged” by Robert B. Martin, Jr.,Master Rosarian & Rose Judge in the Santa Clarita Valley Rose Society. Knowing how the roses are judged will help you know what to enter.

Here are some examples of hybrid tea roses that have a high center and petals are symmetrical:

Photos by Martha Garman


Someone will help you fill out tags and enter them in the proper places. Be brave and enter, it’s fun!!

Click here for the show schedule and instructions.

And the winners are:

*** First Place – Pam Brown
** Second Place – Millie Dolinger
* Third Place – Marty Reich
Congratulations to the winners!