“Things (about roses) I Didn’t Learn in Kindergarten.”
Bob will be sharing with us an updated program that recounts valuable lessons he has learned about growing roses, many through making mistakes, in 50 years of rose growing at seven different gardens in Southern California and Arizona.
Bob has been growing roses for nearly 50 years. He and his wife Dona live in Escondido, California, where they maintain a rose garden of more than 600 roses of all types. He is an American Rose Society Master Rosarian, an Accredited Horticultural Judge and an Accredited Arrangements Judge. Bob is active in the San Diego Rose Society, which he has served in several capacities, including two terms as President. Bob is the recipient of the ARS Silver Honor Medal for Service to the District, and four ARS Bronze Honor Medals for service to the Pacific Rose Society, San Diego Rose Society, Los Angeles Rose Society and Pasadena Rose Society.
Bob is an active rose exhibitor at all levels and the 2007 recipient of the ARS Guy Blake Hedrick Jr. Award for lifetime achievement in rose exhibiting. He is also a hybridizer with 15 named varieties, including the show roses, ‘Dona Martin’, ‘Butter Cream’, ‘Peter Cottontail’ and ‘Pasadena Star’. Two of his latest roses are orange blend shrub named, ‘Ruth Tiffany’ and it the orange blend floribunda, ‘Escondido Sunset’.
Bob is also a prolific writer, having authored more than 700 published articles on roses. He is the National Editor of Horizon Roses, an annual review by the nation’s top exhibitors of new exhibition roses. Bob is also the author of the book “Showing Good Roses”. He was honored for his lifetime contribution to rose education as a 2009 recipient of the ARS Klima Medal.
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