May 21-22 – Ron Daniels’ Gadwall Abbey Rose Garden Tour

One of many roses in Ron’s garden – hybrid tea Pretty Lady

Ron Daniels, co-president of the Nashville Rose Society and Master Rosarian, will host his Gadwall Abbey’s Rose Garden Tour on Saturday, May 21, 10am – 4pm, and on Sunday, May 25, 1pm – 5pm, at 1000 Gadwall Circle, Hendersonville, TN 37075.

Ron has over 150 roses of all types and many companion plants in his Gadwall Abbey Garden. Ron’s garden produces many Rose Show winners and has been featured on Talk of the Town.

If you have not seen Ron’s garden, put this on your calendar!

May 7, 10:00am-12:00pm – New Member Workshop

The Nashville Rose Society Spring New Member Workshop will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2022, from 10-12:00pm at Cheekwood.

The workshop will start in the Potter Meeting Room in Botanic Hall where Ron Daniels, NRS Co-President, will give his PowerPoint presentation on “Growing and Caring for Roses. The second half of the workshop will be a number of hands-on demonstrations in the Rose Study Workshop.

This is a perfect opportunity to learn more about caring for roses as well as to experience the beautiful Rose Study Garden at Cheekwood.

This workshop is open to ALL members. Admission to Cheekwood is not required for NRS Workshop attendees.

Teresa Byington’s “Cottage Gardening” Presentation

Teresa Byington’s Bloom Thyme Cottage Garden
Teresa Byington took us on a tour of her garden, Bloom Thyme Cottage Garden at the November 7, 2021, monthly meeting of the Nashville Rose Society. The Bloom Thyme Cottage Garden, which Teresa has tended for 30+ years, is a large cottage garden that weaves together her love of roses – from the oldest to the most modern shrubs and their garden companions. Roses alongside annuals, herbs, shrubs, trees, perennials and a few veggies fill this garden.

Click here to read the story of Teresa’s garden as told to Garden Gate Magazine, February 2022 issue.

Teresa was kind enough to let us record her GoToMeeting presentation that is filled with cottage garden history, gardening advice and plant recommendations. You can revisit Teresa’s presentation by clicking here.

February 18-20 – 2022 Tenarky Winter Workshop

by Lori Emery, Tenarky District Director and NRS Member


Be sure to register for the Tenarky Winter Workshop that will be held at Belmont University, 1515 Wedgewood Ave, Nashville, TN 37212, February 18-20, 2022. Check-in will begin on February 18th from 4:00-6:00 p.m. in the Ayers Academic Center, Rooms C & D, where we have our monthly meetings. We will then have a delicious “Little Italy Buffet.” Hybridizer Dave Bang will join us virtually to discuss his hybridizing process and his roses.
Continue reading “February 18-20 – 2022 Tenarky Winter Workshop”

2021 NRS Glenda Whitaker and President’s Award Recipients

Glenda Whitaker Award – John Wendler, Lori Emery, and Ron Daniels

The Glenda Whitaker Award was presented to Co-Presidents Ron Daniels and John Wendler on December 5, 2021, at the Nashville Rose Society’s (NRS) Christmas party by Lori Emery, District Director – Tenarky.

The American Rose Society (ARS) award was created to pay tribute to Nashville’s own Glenda Whitaker. She received numerous accolades over the years; but may be best known for her amazing gift to recruit and encourage new members to the NRS and ARS.

Ron and John have worked diligently to stimulate growth in the society. NRS has flourished under their leadership and increased membership during the pandemic. They have been innovative in the face of a national health crisis; being one of the first to use zoom meetings for the monthly meetings and speakers.

NRS President’s Award – John Wendler, Gary Spencer, and Ron Daniels
The Nashville Rose Society Executive Committee created a new NRS service award at the November, 2021, committee meeting. The award will be called the “NRS President’s Award” and will honor any member who has demonstrated continuous support for our Society and has made significant contributions over time. A member who steps up when asked, goes above and beyond when needed and serves as a positive example for all NRS members.

The first award was presented to Gary Spencer, NRS Treasurer. In addition to being NRS Treasurer for more than 10 years, Gary has served in many areas – chairing Vendor Events, leading the set-up for Rose Shows, and purchasing supplies for the Roses Study Garden and other projects, as well as helping other members with a need. Gary is always supportive of NRS and our leaders.

Congratulations to John, Ron and Gary. The members of the Nashville Rose Society appreciate everything you do.