Nashville Rose Society ARS Honor Medal Winners

The following members of the Nashville Rose Society are recipients of the American Rose Society Honor Medal for Outstanding Service to a Local Society. Such awards recognize sustained lifetime achievement by an individual or couple in devoting and focusing their talents and expertise to the promotion of the objectives and mission of the ARS or a District of the ARS.
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Article from American Rose – Roses in Your Zone – Southeast

Article from American Rose
The Magazine of the American Rose Society

July/August 2017

Written by Cindy Worch, Past President
Photos by Katelyn Daniels

The Nashville Rose Society

2017_ARS_coverThe Nashville Rose Society serves all of Middle Tennessee by sharing knowledge and information about our national flower, the rose. Through a monthly newsletter and meetings that feature regional and nationally recognized speakers, we bring you advice and instruction geared to growing roses in the specific soil and climatic conditions of this area. Continue reading “Article from American Rose – Roses in Your Zone – Southeast”

Sam and Nancy Jones Receive Certificate of Achievement in Membership

Article from American Rose The Magazine of the American Rose Society July/August 2017

2017_ARS_coverThis award was established in honor of Glenda Whitaker; an ARS Member and Leader whose excellent example and efforts on behalf of the society and its members has been as inspiration to all who have worked on behalf of the society in the area of membership; and to recognize those who have made outstanding and unique contributions to the Society in its efforts to grow in members. Continue reading “Sam and Nancy Jones Receive Certificate of Achievement in Membership”