Growing & Preparing Your Roses to Show

by Jeff & Cindy Garrett, Master Rosarians

At the August, 2021, meeting of the Nashville Rose Society, Jeff & Cindy Garrett gave an excellent presentation with tips on growing roses and preparing them for a rose show.

Jeff & Cindy Garrett’s beautiful rose garden.
The Garretts moved to their current home on Lake Chickamauga in 1989. That spring they added two rose beds with about 96 plants. Over the years they have continued to develop their landscape to its current capacity of just under 350 roses.

Both Jeff and Cindy are active in the American Rose Society and are Master Rosarians. They and have been honored with the Silver Medal from the Tenarky District of the American Rose Society. They have both also won the Outstanding Consulting Rosarian Award for the Tenarky District. For many years Jeff has been the Tenarky District Roses In Review Coordinator. They are also regional editor’s for the annual Horizon Roses publication.

Jeff and Cindy were kind enough to allow us to post their presentation.

Click image for the full presentation.

R. Curtis Aumiller, author of the ARS Guidelines to Judging Rose Photography, presentation video

R. Curtis Aumiller, author of the ARS first Guidelines to Judging Rose Photography
R. Curtis Aumiller is the author of the American Rose Society first Guidelines to Judging Rose Photography. Curtis has been judging rose photography for over 14 years and has given presentations about judging and taking rose photos across the nation. At the May 2, 2021, meeting of the Nashville Rose Society, Curtis explained how to make sure you are taking and entering your best rose photos and will also cover those factors judges use to pick the winning rose photos.

Click here to watch Curtis’ presentation to the Nashville Rose Society via GoToMeeting.

Nashville Rose Society Announces 2020 Bronze Honor Medal Winners

The NRS Awards that are typically (in normal times) given at the annual Christmas Party were announced this year at the December 6, 2020, virtual meeting.

Bronze Honor Medals, the highest award that can be presented by a local rose society, were given to Bob Bowen, the Cheekwood Rose Study Garden manager, and Keith and Martha Garman, co-chairs of the NRS Grand Prix Rose Show.
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A Year in the Cheekwood Rose Study Garden as of Dec. 7, 2020

Enjoy our gallery of the Cheekwood Rose Study Garden as it evolved in 2020 from being sheltered in place, to its summer-time peak and on into being but to bed for the winter. This gallery is as of November 9, 2020.

Photos by NRS Rose Study Garden Manager, Bob Bowen.
Continue reading “A Year in the Cheekwood Rose Study Garden as of Dec. 7, 2020”

Nashville Rose Society 2020 Virtual Rose Show Results

Since we are unable to hold an actual rose show this year, members of the Nashville Rose Society were encouraged to have some fun and take photos of their roses to enter in our first virtual rose show. This is not an ARS sanctioned rose show. NRS virtual certificates will be awarded.

The entries for the Nashville Rose Society Virtual Rose Show have been judged. See the results of the 115 entries in 11 classes. Take a stroll through our virtual hall of roses and enjoy the beauty of America’s favorite flower grown and submitted by members of the Nashville Rose Society.
Continue reading “Nashville Rose Society 2020 Virtual Rose Show Results”