Sept. 25-26 – POSTPONED – 2021 Tenarky District Fall Rose Show & Convention

2021 Music City Rose Show Will Happen!!

The show is open to the public
Saturday, September 25 – 1:00-5:00pm
Sunday, September 26 – 11am-4:00pm
Belmont University Gabhart Student Center
1900 Belmont Boulevard. Nashville, Tennessee 37212

Rose Garden at Belmont University
Photo by Mary Weber
The 2021 Music City Rose Show will be held at Belmont University Gabhart Student Center. Mark your calendar and make plans to attend now!

The Tenarky District Convention and Show committee decided that due to the current Covid-19 situation, it is best to postpone the Tenarky fall convention until 2022. However, we will still be having the 2021 Music City Rose Show hosted by the Nashville Rose Society!

The committee has worked very hard for many months to make this an awesome event, but realize safety must come first. NRS will place the plans on hold and will host this event in fall of 2022. The district banquet and business meeting are both cancelled; however, the Tenarky District annual business meeting will be held virtually at a later date.

The 2021 Music City Rose Show will go on!! We hope that you will still come and exhibit on September 25. The schedule is the same, but there will be no district challenge classes. We have structured the show for maximum safety with both the show and grooming rooms increased substantially in size to allow for more space between tables and to maximize social distancing. No registration or registration fee is required.

Here is all the info you will need to to show your roses:

We hope to see you there!

Press Release – The Nashville Rose Society to Host “2021 Music City Rose Show”

Calling All Rose Lovers!
The Nashville Rose Society to Host “2021 Music City Rose Show”
September 25 & 26, 2021, at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee


Nashville, TN – The Nashville Rose Society will host the “2021 Music City Rose Show” on September 25 & 26, 2021, at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. Admission and parking are both FREE to the public from 1:00 to 5:00 PM on Saturday, September 25, and from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Sunday, September 26.

More than 60 of the most accomplished, award-winning rosarians across Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Alabama and Georgia will compete for awards in multiple categories – from hybrid teas, floribundas, and miniatures to shrub roses and old garden roses – displaying hundreds of absolutely beautiful roses in a variety of colors and fragrances. There will also be categories for best rose photography and best rose arrangements.

On each day of the show, a Nashville Rose Society Consulting Rosarian will conduct a FREE workshop on the “Basics of Growing Roses,” designed to introduce rose care to the beginner or novice. Come and learn how to properly prepare your soil, when and how to prune, as well as proven techniques for fertilizing and protecting roses from damaging insects and diseases. After each workshop, guided tours will be available of Belmont’s two spectacular rose gardens – the original Belmont Rose Garden, which now contains more than 200 roses of 70 different varieties, as well as the new Heritage Rose Garden, which contains some of the same rose varieties Adelicia Acklen, who built the Belmont Mansion, grew
back in the 1860s when she lived in the Mansion.

“The Nashville Rose Society is excited to host the “2021 Music City Rose Show” at Belmont University and invite the public to attend. It’s an opportunity for us to share our passion for growing roses with our Middle Tennessee neighbors. I hope folks will come to the Show to be inspired and to learn that really anyone can grow beautiful roses,” said Ron Daniels, Co-President of The Nashville Rose Society.

The “2021 Music City Rose Show” will be held in the Gabhart Student Center, rooms A & B, on the campus of Belmont University, located at 2002 Belmont Blvd. Nashville, TN. Parking is FREE. Click here for a map of the campus.

Don’t miss this opportunity! For more information as well as directions to the Rose Show, visit the Nashville Rose Society website at or contact John Wendler, the Society’s Co-President and Chair of Public Relations for the event.

Click here for a pdf of the press release.

Sept. 12, 1:00-5:00pm – NRS Grand Prix Rose Show

The 2020 Fall Grand Prix Rose Show will be held during the Nashville Rose Society regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Sunday, September 12, 2021, in the Potter Room at Cheekwood. The Grand Prix is a rose show that is held at a NRS meeting and its purpose is to give members a chance to learn about and practice exhibiting roses.

The show will have two sections – Advanced Exhibitors and Novice Exhibitors. A Novice Exhibitor is a person who has never won a Blue Ribbon in an ARS sanctioned Rose Show with the exception of the Novice category. Having the two sections will give new exhibitors experience showing their roses with fairer competition.

Please note: The NRS Grand Prix rose shows are not sanctioned by the ARS.

A grooming room will be set up at 1:00pm. All entries must be placed on the tables by 2:00pm and judging will start at this time.

Click here for the Grand Prix Show Schedule!

Rose Chat Podcast – Ron Daniels, “Growing Your Rose Society”

Ron Daniels, Co-President of the Nashville Rose Society
Nashville Rose Society Co-President, Ron Daniels, is once again a guest on the popular Rose Chat Podcast, hosted by Chris VanCleave & Teresa Byington.

During the past eighteen months of the pandemic, and early on with the shut down of the Rose Study Garden at Cheekwood, the membership of NRS has grown, while many societies within ARS have struggled to maintain membership. Under the leadership of Ron Daniels and John Wendler, NRS Co-Presidents, the NRS has over 150 members.

Ron’s Personal Mission Statement:

“To grow roses and to share with others. Teach beginners rose-growing basics. Open my personal garden up to public garden tours. To continue to learn about growing roses and remain teachable. Committed to mentor and encourage others on how to care for and share roses.”

Listen to Ron’s talk, “Growing Your Rose Society” with Teresa Byington on some of the actions by NRS to grow the society.

Growing & Preparing Your Roses to Show

by Jeff & Cindy Garrett, Master Rosarians

At the August, 2021, meeting of the Nashville Rose Society, Jeff & Cindy Garrett gave an excellent presentation with tips on growing roses and preparing them for a rose show.

Jeff & Cindy Garrett’s beautiful rose garden.
The Garretts moved to their current home on Lake Chickamauga in 1989. That spring they added two rose beds with about 96 plants. Over the years they have continued to develop their landscape to its current capacity of just under 350 roses.

Both Jeff and Cindy are active in the American Rose Society and are Master Rosarians. They and have been honored with the Silver Medal from the Tenarky District of the American Rose Society. They have both also won the Outstanding Consulting Rosarian Award for the Tenarky District. For many years Jeff has been the Tenarky District Roses In Review Coordinator. They are also regional editor’s for the annual Horizon Roses publication.

Jeff and Cindy were kind enough to allow us to post their presentation.

Click image for the full presentation.