Cheekwood 2018 Century Star Award Presented to NRS

On March 25, 2019, as Nashville Rose Society members were hard at work in the Cheekwood Rose Study Garden pruning, checking pH, and fertilizing the roses, Cheekwood’s Director of Volunteer Services Amy Walter presented our society with the Cheekwood 2018 Century Star Award for providing more than 100 hours of volunteer service during 2018. The award is presented to the organization with the most volunteer hours during the year.

The Nashville Rose Society members are solely responsible for maintaining the Rose Study Garden.

2018 Century Star Award presented to co-presidents John Wendler and Ron Daniels by Cheekwood’s Director of Volunteer Services, Amy Walter (right)

Mentors Matter

by Ron Daniels, President – Nashville Rose Society, Master Rosarian, Master Gardner


As I look back on my experiences with growing roses for the last 28 years, I remember who introduced me to the love of roses and was kind enough to mentor me. This fine gentleman was John Curtis, or as NRS members referred to him, “The Rose Farmer”. He earned that name because of his commitment to organic methods of growing roses.
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ARS National Convention and Rose Show in San Diego

by Mary Ann Hext, Consulting Rosarian

On Wednesday, October, 24, we took our dogs, Annie and Lindy, for another boarding experience at Greystone and drove to the airport to fly to San Diego for my last ARS Board of Directors meeting as our Tenarky District Director. The three years in this position have flown by and have kept me very very busy with rose events, activities, meetings, local society visits, district and national conventions, ARS committee work, and lots of traveling, but I have enjoyed the experience and made many many new rose friends from across the country.
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