Category: Locating and Preparing Beds
Designing a Rose Garden
by Danielle Hahn, Owner, Rose Story Farm, Carpinteria, CA
Although the first step may vary in some special circumstances, my usual advice is to relax, have some fun, and answer a series of questions and considerations which allow the gardens to practically design themselves.
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What’s soil got to do with it?
by Ron Daniels, ARS Consulting Rosarian, Master Gardener
When I talk to people about how to grow roses I always spend a lot of time talking about soil. As one of my mentors told me years ago; “Don’t go buy a twenty dollar rose bush and put it in a fifty-cent hole (soil).” What he was saying is put your time, money, and preparation in creating good healthy soil to grow your roses; they will love it.
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What is pH?
by Marty Reich, Master Rosarian
pH is a well known scientific term in today’s culture. We constantly hear about bath soaps and shampoos being pH balanced. However, as rosarians, we need to understand it a bit better than most people since the health of our roses depends on it.
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