We are excited to have R. Curtis Aumiller speak to us virtually (via GoToMeeting) on May 2, 2021, at 2:00pm.
R. Curtis Aumiller, author of the ARS first Guidelines to Judging Rose PhotographyR. Curtis Aumiller is the author of the American Rose Society first Guidelines to Judging Rose Photography. Curtis has been judging rose photography for over 14 years and has given presentations about judging and taking rose photos across the nation. At today’s meeting of the Nashville Rose Society, Curtis will explain how to make sure you are taking and entering your best rose photos and will also cover those factors judges use to pick the winning rose photos.
Curtis is Dual-Accredited as a Horticulture and Arrangement judge for the ARS. Curtis has been the District Chair of Photography and the District Chair of Arrangements for the Penn-Jersey District, and he was a judge on the ARS American Rose Photography Contest for three years before being asked to chair that contest. Curtis is currently the Penn-Jersey District Director.
Curtis was the Penn-Jersey District 2012 Outstanding Consulting Rosarian, the Penn-Jersey District 2013 ARS Silver Honor Medal recipient, Penn-Jersey District Outstanding Judge in 2018, became an ARS Master Rosarian in 2019, and the Pittsburgh Rose Society Bronze Medal recipient in 2020. Curtis lives in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania where he grows over 100 different rose varieties.
Click here to watch Curtis’ presentation to the Nashville Rose Society.
Dr. Mark Windham, Professor and Distinguished Chair, University of TennesseeOur speaker for the March virtual meeting of the Nashville Rose Society is Dr. Mark Windham, professor in the Agriculture Department at University of Tennessee – Knoxville and Distinguished Chair of Ornamental Pathology.
Currently, the majority of his research is focused on Rose Rosette Disease, the most destructive ornamental disease in the U.S. However, Dr. Windham is also involved in research on plant health issues with hydrangea and flowering dogwood. Specific areas of current research are:
• Virus and eriophyid mite resistance in Rosa sp.
• Ecology of eriophyid mites associated with Rosa sp.
• Cultural and chemical controls for Rose Rosette Disease
• Cercospora leaf spot management in cultivated roses
• Powdery mildew resistance in flowering dogwood
• Reintroduction of dogwoods as a nursery crop in the Deep South
• Resistance to fungal foliar diseases in hydrangea
Dr. Windham has written numerous articles on his research findings concerning the RRD and is a frequent speaker at local, district, and national rose society meetings and conventions. He is a much sought-after speaker who not only inspires and educates his students, but also rosarians across the country.
The meeting will be held from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm as a video meeting using the GoToMeeting app. In addition to Mark’s presentation, we will discuss pruning, rose bed preparation, planting a new roses, spraying, and the first fertilization.
More information on how to log into GoToMeeting, please see Marty Reich’s email to NRS members. If you would like to attend as a guest, please submit your request on the Ask a Consulting Rosarian form on the website.
“Things (about roses) I Didn’t Learn in Kindergarten.”
Bob Martin, 56th President American Rose Society We are excited to have Bob Martin, President of ARS, speak to us virtually (via GoToMeeting) on February 14, 2021, at 2:00pm – our first meeting of the year.
Bob will be sharing with us an updated program that recounts valuable lessons he has learned about growing roses, many through making mistakes, in 50 years of rose growing at seven different gardens in Southern California and Arizona.
Bob has been growing roses for nearly 50 years. He and his wife Dona live in Escondido, California, where they maintain a rose garden of more than 600 roses of all types. He is an American Rose Society Master Rosarian, an Accredited Horticultural Judge and an Accredited Arrangements Judge. Bob is active in the San Diego Rose Society, which he has served in several capacities, including two terms as President. Bob is the recipient of the ARS Silver Honor Medal for Service to the District, and four ARS Bronze Honor Medals for service to the Pacific Rose Society, San Diego Rose Society, Los Angeles Rose Society and Pasadena Rose Society.
Bob is an active rose exhibitor at all levels and the 2007 recipient of the ARS Guy Blake Hedrick Jr. Award for lifetime achievement in rose exhibiting. He is also a hybridizer with 15 named varieties, including the show roses, ‘Dona Martin’, ‘Butter Cream’, ‘Peter Cottontail’ and ‘Pasadena Star’. Two of his latest roses are orange blend shrub named, ‘Ruth Tiffany’ and it the orange blend floribunda, ‘Escondido Sunset’.
Bob is also a prolific writer, having authored more than 700 published articles on roses. He is the National Editor of Horizon Roses, an annual review by the nation’s top exhibitors of new exhibition roses. Bob is also the author of the book “Showing Good Roses”. He was honored for his lifetime contribution to rose education as a 2009 recipient of the ARS Klima Medal.
For more information on how to log into GoToMeeting, please see Marty Reich’s email to NRS members. If you would like to attend as a guest, please submit your request on the Ask a Consulting Rosarian form on the website.
* Monitor the winter protection and add more if it is washed away by winter rains.
* Plan any changes in the garden, order seeds and plants.
* Plan to attend Nashville Rose Society meeting in February.
* Join the American Rose Society.
Not a lot to do in the garden – January is rather quiet. To touch base with friends of the Nashville Rose Society, plan to attend the Virtual Social Hour on GoToMeeting.
Stay in your comfy’s, grab a cup of tea, and spend an hour with friends in the Society talking about your holiday festivities and your plans for 2021, in the garden and otherwise.
In addition to socializing, John Wendler will do a brief review of the “Preliminary Programming Calendar for 2021” and will ask members for ideas on topics, speakers, events, etc. that would be of interest to our members.
For more information on how to log into GoToMeeting, please see Marty Reich’s email to NRS members. If you would like to attend as a guest, please submit your request on the Ask a Consulting Rosarian form on the website.