Bee Pollinators

by Shelly Wilkinson, Davidson County Master Gardener


Shelly Wilkinson’s June 5, 2022, presentation to the Nashville Rose Society helped us understand the importance of bees, characteristics of the main species of bees, and where and how bees live. She also covered how to make our own gardens and landscaping more pollinator-friendly.

Shelly has kindly allowed her presentation to be posted on the NRS website.

Shelly Wilkinson is a high school math teacher who is part of the Davidson County Master Gardeners. She is the lead for the native bee program with the Master Gardeners in cooperation with Crown Bees (who help gardeners and farmers increase pollination and food production with gentle, solitary bees).

To learn more about bee pollinators, click here for Shelly’s complete presentation, and here for a Native Plant-Insect Guide from Praire Moon Nursery.