CANCELED May 3 – Cindy Shapton, The Cracked Pot Gardener, “Herbs and Roses”

Cindy Shapton, The Cracked Pot Gardener
Cindy Shapton will be the May speaker for the Nashville Rose Society Monthly meeting. The meeting will be held at 2:00pm in the Frist Lecture Hall at Belmont University. Cindy’s topic is “Herbs and Roses”.

Herbs and Roses is not a famous rock band, although Roses are rock stars in the garden. And since roses are actually herbs with medicinal, aromatic and culinary properties…it only makes scents to put them together.

Like any neighbor, some get along better than others so it’s a good idea to have an understanding of combinations of plants that play well together, this is often referred to as companion gardening.

Explore the possibilities with Cindy as she talks about some of her favorite herbs and why interspersing these easy to grow plants in your garden may benefit you and your roses.

Cindy is a writer, speaker, herbalist, floral designer, and farmer. When she is not speaking and writing, she works growing herbs and flowers on her farm, Fernvale Herb and Flower Farm, near Franklin, TN. Cindy sells herbs and cut flowers by appointment and arranges flowers for weddings and events. She also teaches classes on growing food, herbs, arranging flowers, making remedies and foraging for native food and medicine on her farm.

Known as The Cracked Pot Gardener – the title of a column Cindy wrote for the Williamson Herald – Cindy writes articles for many magazines and is a regular contributor for State-by-State Gardening.

Cindy is the author of “The Cracked Pot Herb Book” – Simple Ways to Incorporate Herbs into Everyday Life, available on her website

Like her FB Page, and follow her on Instagram as ‘The Cracked Pot Gardener’ for all the latest dirt.

Designing a Rose Garden

by Danielle Hahn, Owner, Rose Story Farm, Carpinteria, CA

Danielle Hahn, founder and owner of Rose Story Farm
I have been designing rose gardens for the past 15 years, usually working with new clients who inevitably bring their individual ideas and desires with them! The obvious first question is how do we start the process?

Although the first step may vary in some special circumstances, my usual advice is to relax, have some fun, and answer a series of questions and considerations which allow the gardens to practically design themselves.
Continue reading “Designing a Rose Garden”

Monday, March 30, 6:00 – 8:00pm – Vendor Night

Now is the time to inventory what you have on hand to order your rose supplies for the annual Vendor Night. Pre-order rose growing supplies from Beatys Fertilizer, Southern Nurseries, and Remarkable Roses to have them delivered at the April meeting, actually being held the evening of March 30, 2020. You will save some money and and help NRS raise funds as well.

Pick-up is on Monday, March 30 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Cheekwood. No credit cards will be accepted so bring a check or cash. No program will be held this month.

The deadline to get your order to Gary Spencer is March 16, 2020.

CANCELED – Hands-on Spring Rose Care Workshops

All Spring Rose Care Workshops have been canceled or postponed until the state lifts its “stay at home” directive.

Be safe and give your own roses some tender loving care. For information, there are several articles and a video on pruning roses on the Pruning page of the website. If you have further questions, please use the Ask a Consulting Rosarian contact form.

March 1, 1:00pm – Jason Powell, “Petals From the Past” Nursery and Cheekwood Greenhouse Tour

Jason Powell, owner of Petals from the Past Nursery

Note!! The March meeting of the Nashville Rose Society will begin at 1:00 pm with a tour of the Cheekwood greenhouses. Many of the flowers that you see in the Cheekwood gardens are grown in their own greenhouses. This is a special opportunity to see the greenhouses on a tour lead by Peter Grimaldi, Vice President of Gardens & Facilities. Members are to meet in front of the visitor center and can walk or ride the shuttle to the greenhouses.

At 2:00 pm, Jason Powell owner, “Petals From the Past” Nursery, in Jamison, Alabama, will discuss great varieties of antique roses for the garden, how to incorporate them into the landscape, and care and maintenance techniques for success.

“Petals from the Past” specializes in antique roses, heirloom shrubs and hard to find perennial flowers and herbs. They also offer guided tours of their lovely gardens. The nursery is managed by Jason and Shelley Powell, horticulturalists, whose skills complement each other. Jason has a master’s degree in horticulture from Texas A&M University and Shelley has a BS in Horticulture from Texas A&M. Since starting Petals from the Past in 1994, they have applied contemporary techniques in growing the finest old-garden plants along with new varieties.

For more information on Jason’s nursery, visit