Suggested Pruning Techniques for Old Garden Roses

The techniques suggested below are simply guidelines which can be followed. Many varieties. of roses respond differently to various methods and if a particular variety is not producing the desired effect, try another technique. Just remember:

    1. Severe early spring pruning on one-time bloomers will sacrifice bloom.
    2. Sometimes a hard cut-back will tend to restore a weak bush.
    3. A bush well “shaped up” every year will be more satisfactory than a bush allowed to go rampant for several years, then cut back.

Continue reading “Suggested Pruning Techniques for Old Garden Roses”

April 15 – Vendor Night 2:00 – 7:00pm at S&W Greenhouse! Sign up for pick-up time!

Vendor Night is Wednesday, April 15, from 2:00 – 7:00pm at S&W Greenhouse, 533 Tyree Springs Rd., White House, TN 37188. From Nashville, take I-65N to TN 76E in White House/Exit 108. From Exit 108 follow 76E/Raymond Hirsch Parkway to Tyree Springs Rd. Turn right onto Tyree Springs and S&W is a short distance on the right.

Anyone picking up an order on Vendor Night, MUST sign up for one of the 30 minute time slots between 2:00 – 7:00pm. As of Friday, March 20, the first available time is 3:30pm. Only 6 members will be allowed to pick up their orders during any given time slot.

To reserve your time, email John Wendler with your first and second time preferences. If you already signed up for a time slot on March 30, you will keep that time unless you let John Wender know.

There will be 3 tables set up – one for rose orders, one for Beaty and Holy Cow orders, and one for payment. Cash or check only! The products will be at 3 stations in the parking lot to be picked up after they are paid for.

Cash or check only – no credit cards will be accepted.

No program will be held in April.

Cheekwood 2019 Century Star Award Presented to NRS

John Wendler and Bob Bowen receiving the 2019 Century Star Award from Cheekwood.
On March 29, 2020, John Wendler, Nashville Rose Society Co-President, and Bob Bowden, NRS Rose Study Garden Manager, received the Cheekwood 2019 Century Star Award for providing more than 100 hours of volunteer service during 2019.

The award is presented to the organization with the most volunteer hours during the year. This is the second year in a row that the Nashville Rose Society has been recognized.

The Nashville Rose Society members are solely responsible for maintaining the Rose Study Garden.

CANCELED May 3 – Cindy Shapton, The Cracked Pot Gardener, “Herbs and Roses”

Cindy Shapton, The Cracked Pot Gardener
Cindy Shapton will be the May speaker for the Nashville Rose Society Monthly meeting. The meeting will be held at 2:00pm in the Frist Lecture Hall at Belmont University. Cindy’s topic is “Herbs and Roses”.

Herbs and Roses is not a famous rock band, although Roses are rock stars in the garden. And since roses are actually herbs with medicinal, aromatic and culinary properties…it only makes scents to put them together.

Like any neighbor, some get along better than others so it’s a good idea to have an understanding of combinations of plants that play well together, this is often referred to as companion gardening.

Explore the possibilities with Cindy as she talks about some of her favorite herbs and why interspersing these easy to grow plants in your garden may benefit you and your roses.

Cindy is a writer, speaker, herbalist, floral designer, and farmer. When she is not speaking and writing, she works growing herbs and flowers on her farm, Fernvale Herb and Flower Farm, near Franklin, TN. Cindy sells herbs and cut flowers by appointment and arranges flowers for weddings and events. She also teaches classes on growing food, herbs, arranging flowers, making remedies and foraging for native food and medicine on her farm.

Known as The Cracked Pot Gardener – the title of a column Cindy wrote for the Williamson Herald – Cindy writes articles for many magazines and is a regular contributor for State-by-State Gardening.

Cindy is the author of “The Cracked Pot Herb Book” – Simple Ways to Incorporate Herbs into Everyday Life, available on her website

Like her FB Page, and follow her on Instagram as ‘The Cracked Pot Gardener’ for all the latest dirt.