Taking Care of Your Knock Out Roses

By Diane Coleman, NRS Consulting Rosarian

What are Knock Out© Roses?

Arrangement of Knock Out Roses
Knock Out© Rose is a shrub rose bred by American rose grower, William Radler in 1989, and introduced into the United States by Star Roses and Plants in 2000. It was named an All-America Rose Selections winner in 2000 and was one of the bestselling roses of the year. The rose was found to be extremely disease-resistant, drought-tolerant and ever-blooming. The ideal rose for both new and seasoned gardeners.

Continue reading “Taking Care of Your Knock Out Roses”

Rose Chat Podcast – Historic Rose Garden Restorations with Ron Daniels

Co-hosted by Chris VanCleave and Teresa Byington

Ron Daniels, Master Consulting Rosarian and 2020 Co-President of the Nashville Rose Society.
History, roses, and beautiful places are often tied together. Such is the case in Nashville. Ron Daniels, Master Consulting Rosarian and 2020 Co-President of the Nashville Rose Society, is working on garden restoration projects at both the Hermitage (Home of Andrew Jackson) and the beautiful Belle Air Mansion. With his usual expertise, energy, and enthusiasm Ron is digging deep into historical records to bring these rose gardens back to life in a way that honors the original plan. Ron also brings us up to date on the work at the Belmont Mansion. Continue reading “Rose Chat Podcast – Historic Rose Garden Restorations with Ron Daniels”

Rose Chat Podcast – Back to Basics with Ron Daniels

Co-hosted by Chris VanCleave and Teresa Byington

Ron Daniels, Master Consulting Rosarian and 2020 Co-President of the Nashville Rose Society
On this Rose Chat Podcast episode Ron Daniels, Master Consulting Rosarian and 2020 Co-President of the Nashville Rose Society, shares some of his top tips on getting our rose gardens off to a good start in the spring. Listen to the show here.

Ron is a third generation gardener who loves and enjoys growing roses. He also shares his experience with others who have the same desire to grow champion roses and other plants and to do so successfully.

Join Chris and Teresa each week for the Rose Chat Podcast. This top rated gardening podcast explores the different aspects of roses. With topics ranging from where to plant roses, how to select roses for your garden as well as how to maintain them to achieve the garden of your dreams.

The Nashville Rose Society + Cheekwood Estate and Botanical Gardens

A Partnership in Education

By Jill Garabedian


The Rose Study Garden at Cheekwood in full bloom.
After many years of Nashville Rose Society meetings being held at Cheekwood, Ron Daniels, current Co-President of the NRS, wondered why there was not a rose garden on the grounds. Since one of the Nashville Rose Society priorities is rose education and a core value at Cheekwood is botanical education, it seemed a natural fit to have a study garden on site. Continue reading “The Nashville Rose Society + Cheekwood Estate and Botanical Gardens”