Sept 13 Virtual Meeting – Cindy Shapton, The Cracked Pot Gardener, “Herbs and Roses”

Cindy Shapton, The Cracked Pot Gardener
Cindy Shapton will be the September speaker for the Nashville Rose Society monthly meeting. The virtual meeting will be held at on September 13, 2020, at 2:00pm using the GoToMeeting app. Cindy’s topic is “Herbs and Roses”.

Herbs and Roses is not a famous rock band, although Roses are rock stars in the garden. And since roses are actually herbs with medicinal, aromatic and culinary properties…it only makes sense to put them together.

Like any neighbor, some get along better than others so it’s a good idea to have an understanding of combinations of plants that play well together, this is often referred to as companion gardening.

Explore the possibilities with Cindy as she talks about some of her favorite herbs and why interspersing these easy to grow plants in your garden may benefit you and your roses.

Cindy is a writer, speaker, herbalist, floral designer, and farmer. When she is not speaking and writing, she works growing herbs and flowers on her farm, Fernvale Herb and Flower Farm, near Franklin, TN. Cindy sells herbs and cut flowers by appointment and arranges flowers for weddings and events. She also teaches classes on growing food, herbs, arranging flowers, making remedies and foraging for native food and medicine on her farm.

Cindy is the author of “The Cracked Pot Herb Book” – Simple Ways to Incorporate Herbs into Everyday Life, available on her website

Like her FB Page, and follow her on Instagram as ‘The Cracked Pot Gardener’ for all the latest dirt.

More information on how to log into GoToMeeting, please see Marty Reich’s email to NRS members. If you would like to attend as a guest, please submit your request on the Ask a Consulting Rosarian form on the website.

August 2 Virtual Meeting – David Cook, “Beneficial Insects: Will work for Food”

The August 2, 2020, monthly meeting of the Nashville Rose show will be held from 2:00 – 4:00 pm as a video meeting using the GoToMeeting app.

Our speaker, David Cook, will introduce the plants that attract beneficial insects to gardens and landscapes and identify specific beneficial insects and mites that feed on other insects that damage plants.

David Cook, University of Tennessee Extension Agent
David Cook is a University of Tennessee Extension Agent for Davidson County, TN, and is involved in educating homeowner and commercial clients about issues concerning horticulture and agriculture. David conducts both commercial and consumer site visits throughout the county to diagnose and resolve issues with insects, plant diseases, and weeds. David is the coordinator for the Davidson County Master Gardener program and other commercial programs for commercial pesticide applicators and programs for the Tennessee Department of Agriculture.

More information on how to log into GoToMeeting, please see Marty Reich’s email to NRS members. If you would like to attend as a guest, please submit your request on the Ask a Consulting Rosarian form on the website.

A Rose Garden Sheltered-in-Place – Updated

By Diane Coleman, NRS Consulting Rosarian, John Wendler, NRS 2020 Co-president, and Bob Bowen, NRS Consulting Rosarian


During the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020, most of the Nashville Rose Society members followed the Tennessee governor’s and the Nashville mayor’s orders to shelter-in-place. For most of us, this gave us more time to enjoy the company of our gardens. We were able to tend to our roses during a time when they need so much attention – uncovering mulch, pruning, feeding and watering, as well as weeding. Continue reading “A Rose Garden Sheltered-in-Place – Updated”

July 12 Virtual Meeting – Rose Care in Summer Heat

The NRS monthly meeting for July will be held the Sunday after the 4th of July holiday, from 2:00pm – 4:30pm on July 12. We are planning to have a virtual meeting using the GoToMeeting app.

The main rose care topics we’ll be discussing in the meeting are spraying, fertilizing and watering during the July and August summer heat and humidity of Tennessee.

More information on how to log into GoToMeeting, please see Marty Reich’s email to NRS members. If you would like to attend as a guest, please submit your request on the Ask a Consulting Rosarian form on the website.

June 7 – NRS First Virtual Meeting!


Let’s talk about roses! It seems like forever since our March meeting, and rose lovers love to talk about and share rose information. So let’s do it!

For the June 7, 2020, monthly meeting beginning at 2:00 pm, we are planning to have a virtual meeting using the GoToMeeting app. The meeting will include a and update on the NRS planned activities, a discussion on rose care, and a virtual tour of Ron Daniels’ garden – always a delight!

More information on how to log into GoToMeeting, please see Marty Riech’s email to the NRS members.

(Notice how the GoToMeeting logo is shaped like a flower?)