The Rose Show will be held on Saturday, October 5. Doors open at 5:30 a.m. CDT . The Placement Committee and/or exhibitors will place horticulture entries from 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. CDT. Exhibitors will place Challenge Class entries. Judging begins at 10:15 a.m. CDT. The show will be open to exhibitors when the judging is completed and the awards table is arranged. The Show will be open to the public from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. CDT and is free to the public.
For information on the events of this fun-filled weekend, click here.
Registration is required for all participants. Full payment must accompany each registration form. Exhibitors MUST be registered and have an exhibitor’s number on entry tags. Entry numbers will be on name tags at registration or may be obtained from the registrar prior to the show. Registration must be received by September 30 for food tally. Anyone registering after September 30, will not be able to attend the banquet.The registration form is here.
Hotel accommodations are at the Holiday Inn University Plaza in Bowling Green, Kentucky. There are a limited number of rooms at the Convention price! There are other events on this date, so make your room reservation very soon! The deadline for the Convention price is September 3, 2024. Click here to reserve your room.
The Nashville Rose Society was honored, once again, to have Jeff and Cindy Garrett as our guest speakers at the August 11, 2024, monthly meeting. In addition to focusing on how to participate in the annual ARS Roses In Review program, Jeff discussed the work that he and Cindy are doing to test and evaluate disease resistant, specifically blackspot, roses in their garden.
Jeff and Cindy moved to their current home on Lake Chickamauga in 1989. Over the years they have continued to develop their landscape to its current capacity of just over 350 roses. Jeff and Cindy have allocated some of that space in their garden to test select varieties of roses in large pots. They change some of the varieties each year. They do fertilize and water, but do not spray for disease. Each year they evaluate which roses are most disease resistant.
Jeff and Cindy have both served their local society, the Tri-State Rose Society of Chattanooga, as President on numerous occasions. Currently they are editors of their local society newsletter, “Basal Breaks”. The Garretts have been honored with the Bronze Medal from their local society.
Click here for Jeff and Cindy’s presentation on Disease Resistant Roses – Fact or Fiction!
Here you will find a list (pdf) of roses in Jeff and Cindy’s test garden.
Fall is one of the most beautiful times for our rose blooms! Hopefully, the brutal summer heat is on its way OUT!!
The Nashville Rose Society 2024 Fall Grand Prix Rose Show will be held during the regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Sunday, September 8, 2024, in the Massey Auditorium of Botanic Hall / Visitor Services Building at Cheekwood Garden and Estate.
The purpose of the Grand Prix is to give members a chance to learn about and practice exhibiting roses. A grooming room will be open at 1:00 pm. Experienced exhibitors will be there to help anyone needing help grooming their roses. All you need to do is know the names of the roses you bring. This show is an excellent opportunity to learn how to enter your roses in the Tenarky Rose Show on Saturday, October 5, 2024 in Bowling Green.
Click here to open the schedule for the Grand Prix.
The 2024 Tenarky Rose Show schedule will be discussed and there will be members who can help you fill out the tags that go on your entries.
Please note: The NRS Grand Prix rose shows are not sanctioned by the American Rose Society .
The Wilson County Rose Show is open to Wilson County Residents, members of the Wilson County Gardeners Guild, members of the Wilson County Master Gardeners, members of a Wilson County FCE Club, or members of the Nashville Rose Society over 18 years old. The Tennessee State Rose Show is open to any Tennessee resident over 18 years old.
Exhibits for both shows must be entered at the Expo Center between 2pm and 6:30pm on Wednesday, August 14. You must register before the entry date – one registration works for both the Wilson County and the State Rose Shows. There is no cost to enter in either show.
There is no admission charge to enter the Fair Grounds to submit your entries. Once the State Rose Show judging is complete, exhibits will be transferred (by the Fair) to the Made in TN Building where they will be displayed for the duration of the Fair.
Jeff Garrett, ARS Master Rosarian and National Trophy winnerThe speaker for the August 11, 2024, meeting of the Nashville Rose Society will be Jeff Garrett, ARS Master Rosarian and National Trophy winner for rose exhibiting. Jeff’s program will focus on how to participate in the annual Roses In Review program. He will be discussing how to rate the various roses that you will be reporting on.
This will be the 99th time Roses In Review survey will be conducted. Rose growers everywhere can review new roses they’ve grown in their own garden. He will explain the how this survey is conducted and why it is important for all rosarians to complete. The results of the survey from members of our district will be posted on Tenarky website. Results from across the country determine the ratings that will go into the 2025 American Rose Society handbook Selecting Roses, a rose-buying guide to more than 3,000 varieties that all ARS members receive each year.
Please note that everyone can participate in Roses In Review. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN ROSE SOCIETY TO PARTICIPATE! Jeff is asking that you wait until after his presentation to complete the survey.
In addition, Jeff will also be sharing information on some disease resistant varieties.
In the early eighty’s, Jeff and Cindy Garrett bought a house in Hixson, Tennessee, and planted their first three roses. They just were not performing for them. After reading an article in the local newspaper by Lester Smith talking about growing good roses, they decided to give him a call. Lester invited them over to his garden, which they found to be absolutely beautiful. He took them under his wing and began mentoring them on growing roses. He also took them to a Tri-State Rose Society of Chattanooga meeting. They were hooked!
They moved to their current home on Lake Chickamauga in 1989. That spring they added two rose beds with about 96 plants total. Over the years they have continued to develop their landscape to its current capacity of just over 350 roses.
They have both served their local society, the Tri-State Rose Society of Chattanooga, as President on numerous occasions. Currently they are editors of their local society newsletter, “Basal Breaks”. The Garretts have been honored with the Bronze Medal from their local society.
They are both active in the American Rose Society and are Master Rosarians. They have won a National Trophy for rose exhibiting and have been honored with the Silver Medal from the Tenarky District of the American Rose Society. They have both also won the Outstanding Consulting Rosarian Award for the Tenarky District. For many years Jeff has been the Tenarky District Roses In Review Coordinator. They are also regional editor’s for the annual Horizon Roses publication.
After thirty years with TVA, they both retired in January 2006. They now spend most of our time playing golf and growing roses. The Garretts have found growing roses to be a great hobby. They both enjoy it and it provides a wonderful stress relief to their hectic lives. Perhaps the only thing better than the beautiful flowers is the wonderful friends they have made through their local society and the ARS.
Don’t forget – The August meeting will be the SECOND Sunday of August, due to construction in the Massey Auditorium of Botanic Hall during the first week of the month.