August 1, 2:00-5:00pm – Jeff & Cindy Garrett, “Growing & Preparing Your Roses to Show”

It is (almost) Show Time! Save the Date – Sept. 25-26 the 2021 Tenarky District Fall Rose Show & Convention will be hosted by the Nashville Rose Society. It is time to start preparing your roses for the show. The speakers for the August 1, 2021, meeting of the Nashville Rose Society will be Jeff and Cindy Garrett, ARS Master Rosarians and National Trophy winners for rose exhibiting. Jeff and Cindy will talk about “Growing & Preparing Your Roses to Show”.

The in-person meeting will be held in the Potter Room at Cheekwood starting at 2:00pm. Anyone who wishes to join the meeting virtually should see Marty Reich’s email to NRS members for information on how to log into GoToMeeting. If you would like to attend as a guest, please submit your request on the Ask a Consulting Rosarian form on the website.

In the early eighty’s, Jeff and Cindy Garrett bought a house in Hixson, Tennessee, and planted their first three roses. They were not performing well, so after reading an article in the local newspaper by Lester Smith talking about growing good roses, they decided to give him a call. Lester invited them over to his garden, which they found to be absolutely beautiful. He took them under his wing and began mentoring them on growing roses. He also invited them to a Tri-State Rose Society of Chattanooga meeting. They were hooked!

The Garretts moved to their current home on Lake Chickamauga in 1989. That spring they added two rose beds with about 96 plants. Over the years they have continued to develop their landscape to its current capacity of just under 350 roses.

Jeff and Cindy have both served their local society, the Tri-State Rose Society of Chattanooga, as President on numerous occasions. Currently they are editors of their local society newsletter, Basal Breaks and Jeff is the current president. The Garretts have been honored with the Bronze Medal from their local society.

Both Jeff and Cindy are active in the American Rose Society and are Master Rosarians. They and have been honored with the Silver Medal from the Tenarky District of the American Rose Society. They have both also won the Outstanding Consulting Rosarian Award for the Tenarky District. For many years Jeff has been the Tenarky District Roses In Review Coordinator. They are also regional editor’s for the annual Horizon Roses publication.

Rose Chat Podcast – Dr. Malcom Manners, Rose Culture and History

Dr. Malcom Manners, guest on Rose Chat podcast.
The latest Rose Chat Podcast is very informative, especially if you have ever suspected that your rose was infected with Rose Mosaic Virus.

In this episode of Rose Chat, Dr. Malcolm Manners talks about his work with Rose Mosaic Virus and the beautiful rose gardens and rose collections at Florida Southern College and their history.

After listening to this episode, it will be evident why in 2013 he was awarded the “Great Rosarian of the World” for his many years of work on rose mosaic virus disease and as an educator in the field of rose culture.

Dr. Malcolm has been teaching at Florida Southern College since 1981 and specializes in fruit production, roses, and techniques of propagation of various crops. Dr. Manners is also active in the preservation of heirloom genetic resources in roses and is a trustee of the Heritage Rose Foundation.

Click here for the Rose Chat Podcast.

July 11, 2:00-5:00pm – Jolene Adams, “Growing Roses in Containers” PLUS Ice Cream Social

Jolene Adams, 54th President of the American Rose Society.
The Nashville Rose Society is pleased to have Jolene Adams as our speaker for our first in-person meeting at Cheekwood in 2021. Jolene will be joining us from California via GoToMeeting. Her topic will be “Growing Roses in Containers”. In her former garden Jolene had about 200 roses and 42 of them were in the ground – all the rest were potted, including climbers on down to miniatures.

Jolene Adams was the 54th President of the American Rose Society and now serves as a Past President. She was the District Director of the Northern California-Nevada-Hawaii District from 2003 through 2009.

Jolene served the World Federation of Rose Societies as a Vice President for North America, representing the three countries in North America who are Members of the WFRS – Canada, USA and Bermuda and still serves as Chair of the World Federation of Rose Societies Publications Committee. She is an ARS Master Rosarian, ARS Consulting Rosarian, ARS Horticulture Judge and an International Horticulture Judge. She is also a California Master Gardener.

Jolene’s ‘Perle d’Or’, a polyantha, in a decorative pot.
Jolene is the recipient of the Bronze Medal from the three local societies she belongs to, the Silver Honor Medal from the NCNH District, the Gold Medal and the Klima Medal from the American Rose Society.

She has held every office in her local societies (not all at once) and lectures widely on roses and gardening in general. In her small garden in California Jolene grows approximately 50 roses of all types – Climbers, OGRs, Minis and Minifloras, Hybrid Teas, Grandifloras, Floribundas, Polyanthas, Modern and Classic Shrubs.

She travels as often as she can to visit rose friends and attend rose functions around the world. She fell in love with roses as a teenager and hasn’t gotten over it.

The in-person meeting will be held in the Potter Room at Cheekwood. Our annual ice cream social will be held after Jolene’s presentation.

Anyone who wishes to join the meeting virtually should see Marty Reich’s email to NRS members for information on how to log into GoToMeeting. If you would like to attend as a guest, please submit your request on the Ask a Consulting Rosarian form on the website.

Don’t forget – The July meeting will be the SECOND Sunday of July, due to the 4th of July holiday.

Following the July program, the Nashville Rose Society will plant a hybrid-tea rose, “Ring of Fire”, in memory of Clayton Beaty. Clayton was the President/Owner of Beaty Fertilizer, Inc., and a friend of the NRS for many years, as a speaker, consultant and Vendor Day supplier. Members of NRS will think of Clayton when they apply Mills Magic Rose Mix to their gardens.

June 7, 6:00-8:00pm – A Special Invitation to ALL NRS Members

From Ron Daniels, NRS Co-President


Ron will be holding a special workshop on growing and caring for roses, designed especially for new members of the Nashville Rose Society. Learn everything you need to know to grow beautiful, healthy roses in Middle Tennessee. Get all your rose questions answered by Ron and other NRS Consulting Rosarians.

This workshop is open to all members, but it is intended primarily for new members who joined NRS since the beginning of the pandemic and have not been able to attend an in-person NRS meeting.

Here are the details:

WHEN: Monday June 7th, 2021, from 6:00-8:00 pm.
WHERE: The Potter Room at Cheekwood (in the Visitors Center)

If you’d like to attend this workshop, please email or text Ron to register, so that we can accommodate everyone who wants to attend.

Ron’s contact information is:

PHONE/TEXT: 615-330-7083

We look to seeing you on June 7th!

May 29-30 – Ron Daniels’ Gadwall Abbey Annual Rose Tour

Ron Daniels, co-president of the Nashville Rose Society and Master Rosarian, will host his Gadwall Abbey’s Annual Rose Tour on Saturday, May 29, 10am – 4pm, and on sunday, May 30, 1pm – 5pm, at 1000 Gadwall Circle, Hendersonville, TN 37075.

Ron has over 170 roses of all types and many companion plants in his Gadwall Abbey Garden. Ron’s garden produces many Rose Show winners and has been featured on Talk of the Town.

If you have not seen Ron’s garden, put this on your calendar!