DATE CHANGE! October 16 – Ron Daniels Open Garden


Ron Daniels, co-president of the Nashville Rose Society and Master Rosarian, will host his Gadwall Abbey’s Open Garden on Saturday, October 16, 1 – 5pm, at 1000 Gadwall Circle, Hendersonville, TN 37075.

Ron has over 170 roses of all types and many companion plants in his Gadwall Abbey Garden. Ron’s garden produces many Rose Show winners and has been featured on Talk of the Town.

If you have not seen Ron’s garden, put this on your calendar!

2021 ARS National Convention & Rose Show

by Mary Ann Hext, Master Rosarian
Reprinted with Permission from the Bowling Green Rose Society newsletter, Rosebuds


“Cream City Roses” was the theme of this year’s ARS National Convention in Milwaukee September 9-14. My husband, Gary, and I drove part of the way on Thursday, so we could arrive in time on Friday for the tour available to attendees of the Pfister Hotel built in 1893. We chose to stay in the original part of the hotel which houses the largest Victorian art collection of any hotel in the world rather than the 23-story tower added in the 1960s. Our room was a suite looking out to other historic buildings and one floor below the rose show and meeting rooms which was very convenient. Marty Reich, Nancy Jones, and Lori Emery met us in Milwaukee at the show.
Continue reading “2021 ARS National Convention & Rose Show”

NRS 2021 Fall Grand Prix Rose Show Results

Queen of the Show – Bob Bowen’s Ring of Fire
The Nashville Rose Society 2021 Fall Grand Prix Rose Show was held during our regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Sunday, September 12, 2021, in the Potter Room at Cheekwood. The Grand Prix is a rose show that is held at a regular NRS meeting and its purpose is to give members a chance to learn about and practice exhibiting roses.

Thanks to NRS member Gene Meyer for coordinating the event and for serving as judge.

Continue reading “NRS 2021 Fall Grand Prix Rose Show Results”

October 10, 2-4pm – Rosemary Chamberlain, “Gardening for Monarch Butterflies”

Note! The October meeting will be held at Belmont Univetsity and on GoToMeeting from 2:00pm – 4:00pm

On Sunday, October 10, 2021, the Nashville Rose Society is pleased to announce that our speaker will be Rosemary Chamberlain, a Certified Tennessee State Naturalist. Rosemary’s presentation will be on the wondrous, miraculous monarch butterfly, including numerous photographs that she has taken.

Among other things, she will be addressing: Why is it so important to care about this particular and extraordinary insect? What is so amazing about its lifecycle? What nectar and important host plants can we plant in our gardens? What factors are contributing to its 80-90% population decline? Her goal is to motivate everyone to go home and plant their own garden for monarchs.

Rosemary is a retired Registered Nurse. Her experience with roses here in Tennessee was planting about 20 beautiful knock out roses and then having to tear them all out due to rose rosette disease. She now has a large collection of cone flowers in their place. Rosemary and her husband have 13 acres in Dickson on which they are gradually removing invasive plant species, planting native plants, and turning it into a natural area for wildlife and pollinators. They have 12 bluebird boxes on the property.

The October meeting of the Nashville Rose Society will be held at the Ayers Academic Center (Rooms C & D) at Belmont University, 1515 Wedgewood Ave, Nashville, TN 37212, just off Wedgewood Avenue. Ayers Academic Center is Building #8 on the Belmont campus map, and is the building next to the Inman Center where the Frist Lecture Hall is located (location of previous NRS meetings).

Parking: The Ayers Academic Center is located at the corner of Wedgewood and 15th avenues on the northern front of campus. The entrance to the parking garages for both buildings is the same as we used last year. There are two elevator banks in the garage underneath the Ayers Academic Center – the South and North elevators. Members should park by, then use, the North elevators to the 4th floor. These open up directly across from our meeting room – which is Ayers C & D. It is not easy to find the meeting room from the South elevators!

Anyone who wishes to join the meeting virtually should see Marty Reich’s email to NRS members for information on how to log into GoToMeeting. If you would like to attend as a guest, please submit your request on the Ask a Consulting Rosarian form on the website.

Hope to see you there!