2021 NRS Glenda Whitaker and President’s Award Recipients

Glenda Whitaker Award – John Wendler, Lori Emery, and Ron Daniels

The Glenda Whitaker Award was presented to Co-Presidents Ron Daniels and John Wendler on December 5, 2021, at the Nashville Rose Society’s (NRS) Christmas party by Lori Emery, District Director – Tenarky.

The American Rose Society (ARS) award was created to pay tribute to Nashville’s own Glenda Whitaker. She received numerous accolades over the years; but may be best known for her amazing gift to recruit and encourage new members to the NRS and ARS.

Ron and John have worked diligently to stimulate growth in the society. NRS has flourished under their leadership and increased membership during the pandemic. They have been innovative in the face of a national health crisis; being one of the first to use zoom meetings for the monthly meetings and speakers.

NRS President’s Award – John Wendler, Gary Spencer, and Ron Daniels
The Nashville Rose Society Executive Committee created a new NRS service award at the November, 2021, committee meeting. The award will be called the “NRS President’s Award” and will honor any member who has demonstrated continuous support for our Society and has made significant contributions over time. A member who steps up when asked, goes above and beyond when needed and serves as a positive example for all NRS members.

The first award was presented to Gary Spencer, NRS Treasurer. In addition to being NRS Treasurer for more than 10 years, Gary has served in many areas – chairing Vendor Events, leading the set-up for Rose Shows, and purchasing supplies for the Roses Study Garden and other projects, as well as helping other members with a need. Gary is always supportive of NRS and our leaders.

Congratulations to John, Ron and Gary. The members of the Nashville Rose Society appreciate everything you do.

December 5, 6:00-8:00pm – Christmas Party

The Nashville Rose Society Christmas Party will be held on Sunday, December 5, from 6:00 – 8:00pm at Belmont University. NRS will provide turkey, ham, rolls and drinks, and dinnerware; members are asked to bring their favorite dish.

The party will be held in our Belmont meeting room (Ayers C & D), with lots of space to social distance.

Please see Marty’s email for more information on the gift exchange and RSVPing if you plan to attend.

Parking: The Ayers Academic Center is located at the corner of Wedgewood and 15th avenues on the northern front of campus. The entrance to the parking garages for both buildings is the same as we used last year. There are two elevator banks in the garage underneath the Ayers Academic Center – the South and North elevators. Members should park by, then use, the North elevators to the 4th floor. These open up directly across from our meeting room – which is Ayers C & D. It is not easy to find the meeting room from the South elevators!

November 7, 2:00-5:00pm – Teresa Byington, “Cottage Gardening”

Teresa Byington

The Nashville Rose Society is pleased to have Teresa Byington as our speaker for our November meeting at Belmont University. Teresa will be joining us from Indianapolis via GoToMeeting. Her topic will be “Cottage Gardening”.

Don’t forget! Daylight savings time ends! so Fall Back your clocks!

Teresa will take us on a Cottage Garden journey – past and present. She will also give us a virtual tour of her garden, Bloom Thyme Cottage Garden, that she has tended for 30+ years. Bloom Thyme Cottage Garden, is a large cottage garden that weaves together her love of roses – from the oldest to the most modern shrubs and their garden companions. Roses alongside annuals, herbs, shrubs, trees, perennials and a few veggies fill this garden.

Teresa loves to dig in the dirt and gets plenty of opportunities to do just that as she cares for her large cottage garden that consists of about 150 roses. She is an active member of the American Rose Society and Immediate Past President of the Indianapolis Rose Society. She is a Consulting Rosarian and Master Gardener, giving her additional opportunities to get her hands dirty as well as educating others about gardening.

Her blog, TheGardenDiary.com, tells of her adventures in the garden and in life, as well as promotes roses as an integral part of the landscape. As co-host of the Rose Chat Podcast she shares the stories of roses and those who love them.

After Teresa’s presentation members will participate in our annual Chili Cookoff! Bring your best recipe for chili or cornbread and enter the cookoff. Attendees will vote for their favorite. Drinks, bowls, and cutlery will be furnished along with power strips to connect to electricity.

Parking: The Ayers Academic Center is located at the corner of Wedgewood and 15th avenues on the northern front of campus. The entrance to the parking garages for both buildings is the same as we used last year. There are two elevator banks in the garage underneath the Ayers Academic Center – the South and North elevators. Members should park by, then use, the North elevators to the 4th floor. These open up directly across from our meeting room – which is Ayers C & D. It is not easy to find the meeting room from the South elevators!

Anyone who wishes to join the meeting virtually should see Marty Reich’s email to NRS members for information on how to log into GoToMeeting. If you would like to attend as a guest, please submit your request on the Ask a Consulting Rosarian form on the website.

We hope to see you there!

Rose Study Garden at Cheekwood – as of October 16, 2021

The Rose Study Garden at Cheekwood has a two-fold purpose: provide a beautiful garden of roses for Cheekwood visitors to enjoy, but primarily to function as a teaching garden for new and experienced rosarians.

This photo gallery is as of October 16, 2021. Cheekwood is full of fall color and the Rose Study Garden at Cheekwood is in full bloom for the “Cut Your Own Bouquet” event. Twenty-five participants attended the workshop to learn about taking care of roses. Each participant was able to leave with their own bouquet of beautiful Rose Study Garden blooms. The workshop was conducted by NRS members John Wendler, Gene Meyer and Ron Daniels.

Continue reading “Rose Study Garden at Cheekwood – as of October 16, 2021”