NRS Monthly Meeting Calendar

The Nashville Rose Society Programming Committee, led by John Wendler, has been working hard to plan the 2023 monthly meeting calendar. The programs are subject to change, but save the dates. You do not want to miss one!

This year’s meetings will be organized somewhat differently from past years. Each meeting will be organized and led by a member of the NRS Executive Committee, one of our Consulting Rosarians, or a member of the Programming Committee. To date, we have volunteers for nine out of ten of the meetings. .

MonthGuest Speaker/TopicLocation
May 7NRS Spring Grand Prix Rose ShowEd Jones Auditorium, Ellington Ag Center
May 20Bowling Green Rose Show
June 11Jeff Garrett, “Rooting & Budding Roses”
July 9Peter Grimaldi, VP of Gardens at Cheekwood
August 6Austin Lohin, Bates Nursery landscaper, TBD
September 10Connie Baird, "Show Winning Rose Arrangement" and NRS Fall Grand Prix
October 1Louisville Rose Show
October 8Preparing for the Rose Show
October 14-15Music City Rose Show Massey Auditorium, Cheekwood
November 5Todd Breyer
December 3Christmas PartyEd Jones Auditorium, Ellington Ag Center

2022 NRS Christmas Party and Annual Awards

Gary Spencer with 2022 NRS Bronze Medal Award
The Nashville Rose Society 2022 Christmas party was a big success. The party was held on Sunday, December 11, at the Belmont University Ayers Academic Center. We had approximately 40 members attending including several new members.

One of the main attractions of the NRS Christmas party is always the food. The Society provided turkey, ham, and drinks and the members brought a wide variety of delicious side dishes and desserts. No one should have left hungry!
Continue reading “2022 NRS Christmas Party and Annual Awards”

December 11 , 6-8:00pm – NRS Christmas Party

Enjoy the holiday spirit with your fellow Rose Society members and guests at the 2022 Nashville Rose Society Christmas Party! The party will be held on Sunday, December 11, from 6:00 – 8:00pm at Belmont University. NRS will provide turkey, ham, rolls and drinks, and dinnerware; members are asked to bring their favorite dish.

There is also a gift exchange if you would like to be a part of it. Bring a gift costing no more than $20 suitable for a man or a woman. We will be entertained by the Belmont student who played the piano for us last year.

The party will be held in Belmont’s Ayers Academic Center, rooms C and D (the same rooms as our last Belmont meeting).

Please see Marty’s email for more information on the gift exchange and RSVP by Monday, Dec. 5 if you plan to attend.

Parking: The Ayers Academic Center is located 1515 Wedgewood Avenue at the corner of Wedgewood and 15th avenues. Turn into the short drive labeled “Inman Center” and then left into the Ayers parking garage. There are two elevator banks in the garage underneath the Ayers Academic Center – the South and North elevators. Members should park by, then use, the North elevators to the 4th floor. These open up directly across from our meeting room – which is Ayers C & D. It is not easy to find the meeting room from the South elevators!

Nov. 6, 2-4:00pm – Gerry Mahoney, “Josephine’s Gardens at Malmaison”

Empress Josephine Bonaparte
“Josephine’s Gardens at Malmaison” – WOW! Please join us on Sunday, November 6, 2022, for our guest speaker Gerry Mahoney’s presentation. Josephine’s Gardens were part of the beginning of formal rose gardens in Europe, and where some of the horticultural experiments were done that brought us the “reblooming” roses we know today.  In this program we look at how the gardens started – who was there to get the gardens growing – and what happened to the gardens after Josephine’s death. 

For over 20 years, Gerry Mahoney, Master Rosarian, has judged Horticulture, Arrangements or Photography throughout the Pacific Southwest, the Pacific Northwest, NCNH and the Rocky Mountain District as well as District and National Rose Shows for the American Rose Society.  She has written rose care articles for the local society newsletter, and for the Pacific Southwest District newsletter. 

Gerry Mahoney
Currently, Gerry is serving as the Arrangement Judge Chair for the Pacific Southwest District and as the Editorial Advisory Committee Chair for the ARS magazine “The Rose”. Gerry and her husband Dave were the National Consulting Rosarian Chairs during Bob Martin’s Presidency. Currently, Gerry and her husband have started “A Bed of Roses” – a business that helps people care for their rose gardens. 

Gerry will be presenting to us virtually from Phoenix, Arizona. Join us to discover some of our rose “history”!

After Gerry’s presentation, Ron Daniels, NRS Co-President, will present “When,Why,and How to Winterize Your Roses”. Afterwards, there will be Q&A. Bring your questions and get prepared to winterize your roses.

The November meeting will be held in the Potter Meeting Room in Botanic Hall at Cheekwood Garden and Estate. The Cheekwood Campus Map shows the location of Botanic Hall.

Note: Admission to Cheekwood is not required – let the gate attendant know that you are attending the NRS Meeting in the Potter Room.

Souvenir de la Malmaison, 1843, Bourbon Old Garden Rose

LOCATION CHANGE! Oct 9, 2:00-4:30pm – Myers Brown, “The Belmont’s Landscape”

Adelicia Acklen, Portrait by William Brown Cooper
The October 9 meeting of the Nashville Rose Society will not be at Belmont as planned. The meeting will be held at Cheekwood in the Frist Learning Center in the meeting room on the courtyard level (see details below).

History buffs as well as rosarians will not want to miss the October 9,2022, meeting of the Nashville Rose Society at Belmont University. Our speaker will be Myers Brow, Executive Director of Belmont Mansion. His presentation will explore the gardens and landscaped environment surrounding Adelicia Acklen’s summer home, Belmont Mansion.

The home featured gardens, statuary, aviary and zoo and included a steam engine powered water tower to provide irrigation. This unrivaled wonder impressed Nashvillians and outsiders alike but was heavily damaged by the Union troops who constructed earthworks on the property during the American Civil War.

Myers is a Fellow and a current officer of the Company of Military Historians and is on the advisory boards for the Tennessee Civil War National Heritage Area and the Tennessee Civil War Preservation Association. Prior to joining Belmont, he served as Director of Archival Collection Services and Chief Historian at the Tennessee State Library and Archives. He previously worked as a curator with the Tennessee State Museum, the Alabama Historical Commission, and at the Atlanta History Center. He also served as the chairman of the Tennessee War of 1812 Bicentennial Commission.

He is the author of two books: Images of Tennessee’s Union Cavalrymen (published in December 2008) and Images of Tennessee Confederates (April 2011). He served as editor of the Best of the Tennessee Historical Quarterly, Volume 5, Nathan Bedford Forrest and the Confederate Cavalry in West Tennessee (published April 2013).

The Frist Learning Center “New Meeting Room” is on the 1st floor. It is smaller than the Potter Room so it will be a bit tight (they say it can accommodate 30 people theater style). Enter Cheekwood through the back gate at 111 Cheek Road and park either in Lot C, which is located next to the Frist, or Lot D, which is a bit further away but still within walking distance of the Frist. The main entrance to Cheekwood will be very crowded with visitors and quite a hike from the Frist Learning Center. Once you enter the building, there is an elevator to the left or stairs straight ahead. Once you come up the stairs or elevator, take a left to get to the meeting room. It is not marked, but on the map in front of the elevator it is identified as “Meeting Room”. The Cheekwood Campus Map shows the parking lots and the location of the Frist Learning Center.