February 24 – Pruning Workshop from 10-12:00

It is time to start planning to prune the roses for their new spring growth. The first Pruning Workshop will be held on Saturday, February 24, at Lynda and Gordon McClellan’s garden near Opryland from 10-12 PM. New members will have a chance to have hands-on experience with trimming roses by learning from experienced rosarians.

The garden is located at 2615 Davidwood Court, Nashville 37214. For more information, call Marty Reich at 615-833-0791 or 615-319-9487. Learn more about pruning roses here.

Planting and Repotting Roses in Containers

by Jack Wedekind, Master Rosarian

Tip #1

After growing most of my roses in containers for about 10 years, I have finally figured something out. The bare root roses I have planted in containers have become much better bushes than the roses I purchased already in pots and transplanted. I think I know why. When roses are commercially potted for sale, the roots of bare root roses are trimmed so they will fit in the pot. So the rose may not have all the roots it needs to reach its intended potential.

Tip #2

When a rose bush has been grown in a container for as long as 7 to 10 years and it is worth keeping, it’s time to carefully repot it. Keep the root system as intact as possible. You can reuse the container but plant the bush with all new soil mix. This process will reboot the life of the bush.

Nashville Rose Society ARS Honor Medal Winners

The following members of the Nashville Rose Society are recipients of the American Rose Society Honor Medal for Outstanding Service to a Local Society. Such awards recognize sustained lifetime achievement by an individual or couple in devoting and focusing their talents and expertise to the promotion of the objectives and mission of the ARS or a District of the ARS.
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