
Join us at our Monthly Meetings and Events


The Nashville Rose Society serves all of Middle Tennessee by sharing knowledge and information about our national flower, the rose. Through a monthly newsletter and meetings that feature regional and nationally recognized speakers, we bring you advice and instruction geared to growing roses in the specific soil and climatic conditions of this area. For all scheduled Meetings & Events, click here.

2026 ARS National Convention and Rose Show in Nashville??

Hi All,

I’m a member and Co-president with Janie Hagan of the Nashville Rose Society. We are in the very early stages of considering to host the 2026 ARS National Convention and Rose Show in Nashville. It would probably take place in late September to early October, 2026.

What are your thoughts? would you like for the NRS to host this and would you come?

Due to declining ARS attendance to conventions and the expense of the popular city of Nashville, we are having difficulty deciding if the Nashville Rose Society should host the convention. Thus, if you think you would attend, please email LLouie.nrs@gmail.com to show your support or to provide any feedback. Please share this information with other rose lovers so their voices may be heard.

So appreciate your time! Can’t wait for spring!

Thank you!
Liz Louie
Nashville Rose Society

Upcoming Meeting and Events

Click for NRS Calendar

The 2025 meetings of the Nashville Rose Society will be held at the Cheekwood Estate and Gardens or at the Ed Jones Auditorium in the Ellington Agriculture Center. The meeting location, dates and times are shown on the Meetings & Events page of the website.

The Cheekwood Estate and Gardens is located at 1200 Forrest Park Dr, Nashville, Tennessee 37205. The meetings are free to guests, as is admission to Cheekwood for meetings. Simply tell the gate attendant that you are there for the Nashville Rose Society meeting.

The Ed Jones Auditorium at Ellington Agriculture Center is located at 416 Hogan Rd, Nashville, TN 37220. More information on how to find the Ed Jones Auditorium, click here .

February 21-22 – 2025 Tenarky District Winter Workshop & Photo Contest

The Tenarky District Winter Workshop will be held February 21-22, 2025, at the Holiday Inn University Plaza, Bowling Green, KY. District Director, Howard Carman, and Vice Director, Paula Williams, have planned a great winter getaway weekend for rosarians – an event you will not want to miss!

The hotel is located at Holiday Inn University Plaza & Sloan Convention Center, 1021 Wilkinson Trace, Bowling Green, KY 42103. Reserve by January 21, 2025. A small block of rooms has been reserved for the workshop at a special rate of $137 per night plus taxes. Rooms should be reserved by January 21, 2025. Call 270.745.0088 and mention Tenarky District(American Rose Society) Code TEN or reserve online at Tenarky.org. Hotel may be sold out this weekend; reserve early! Click here to reserve on line.

We have great speakers!

Gaye Hammond, Past President of the Houston Rose Society
Gaye is the Past President of the Houston Rose Society. She is a life member and patron of American Rose Society and serves on the Marketing Committee of the national organization. Gaye is also the study liaison between the Houston Rose Society and the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in connection with EarthKind® Rose Research the largest environmental rose research study done in the U.S.

Dennis Phillips, President of Monty’s Plant Food Company
Dennis is the son-in-law of Monty Justice and together they formed Monty’s Plant Food Company in 1997. While working on his post graduate work at the University of Louisville, he began working with Monty Justice in Rose care (nearly 200 gardens that amounted to 2,000 roses). He continues to serve as President and oversees production and looks to create new products from the list that were generated early in their business.

Raymond A. Cloyd, professor and extension specialist in the Department of Entomology at Kansas State University
Raymond is a professor and extension specialist in horticultural entomology/plant protection in the Department of Entomology at Kansas State University. His research and extension program involves plant protection/pest management of horticultural insect and mite pests in greenhouses, nurseries, landscapes, turfgrass, conservatories, interior scapes, Christmas trees, vegetables, fruits, cannabis, and hemp. In addition, Raymond provides assistance to beekeepers and is involved in pollinator protection.

And a Photo Contest!

Attached are the schedule of events, registration form, Saturday catered lunch order,speaker bios, and rose photo contest rules. Click each link to open or download each form. PLEASE NOTE! all times are Central Standard Time (not CDT)!

Make plans to attend – make hotel reservations soon (limited number of rooms at discounted price) and send your registration prior to February 15 to have the catered lunch. This will be a fun weekend to attend educational seminars, reconnect with rose friends, and make new ones!!

We hope to see you at the 2025 Tenarky District Winter Workshop!

Monday, March 3, 5:00 – 7:30 pm – “Bloom & Grow”

The March meeting of the Nashville Rose Society will be held on Monday (Note the day!), March 3, in the Massey Auditorium at Cheekwood Estate & Gardens.

A pruning demonstration will begin at 5:30 in the Rose Study Garden (weather permitting). Afterwards, join us for an inspiring and educational presentation, “Bloom & Grow,” where you’ll learn the art and science of cultivating stunning roses in Middle Tennessee.

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, this program will provide essential tips on planting, nurturing, and maintaining healthy rose bushes. Discover the secrets to creating a thriving garden filled with vibrant blooms, and gain insights into pruning techniques, disease and pest management as well as organic options that work in our environment. Let your passion for gardening flourish as you learn how to make your roses bloom and grow!

The Cheekwood Estate and Gardens is located at 1200 Forrest Park Dr, Nashville, Tennessee 37205. The meetings are free to guests, as is admission to Cheekwood for meetings. Simply tell the gate attendant that you are there for the Nashville Rose Society meeting.

We look forward to seeing you!